U 2016. godini smo tražili nekoliko softverskih inženjera, ali bez prevelikog uspjeha. Tada smo se susreli s tvrtkom Serengeti, ali bio sam skeptičan oko toga da su timovi na udaljenoj lokaciji odgovarajuća opcija za nas (tim na udaljenoj lokaciji, komunikacija na engleskom). Danas znam da je to bila prava odluka! U međuvremenu, naš Serengeti tim je rastao i postao dragocjena ekstenzija naših timova.
Each year we have to deliver between 4 and 8 large software projects to our customers. Therefore, scalability and flexibility in R&D is one of our biggest challenges. High performing teams and mature Team Extension engagement model from Serengeti helps us for many years to master this challenge.
Serengeti se pokazao pouzdanim partnerom s dubokim iskustvom u području DevOpsa. Pomogli su nam modernizirati naš razvojni proces i ubrzali testiranje i isporuku novih verzija.
Serengeti inženjeri su vrlo stručni, što se može vidjeti iz njihovog širokog tehničkog znanja i poznavanja domena, što rezultira velikom efikasnošću.
Serengeti se pokazao kao stabilan, pouzdan i fleksibilan partner od početka suradnje. Kroz kratku suradnju su se pokazali kao jedan od naših ključnih partnera za razvoj softvera.
With new requirements, challenges, opportunities, rapid technology development we looked for additional knowledge and experience outside, to complement and modernize our products & solutions to deliver best possible customer experience. We have found Serengeti, a team, which consists of highly knowledgeable and reliable individuals who are always ready for any challenge at any time.
I just wanted to let you know that I have started the first tests with the new software and I'm really impressed! GUYS THIS IS GREAT WORK! Of course, we still have a lot of things to do and to go deeper into some UI details and implement or change some features according to the upcoming tests but it is a very good start. THANK YOU VERY MUCH - I'M REALLY HAPPY!
Serengeti colleagues, you have provided highest quality support. Your role was indispensable in all phases of the process, especially in terms of development and implementing the most efficient solution. We’d like to thank all your team members for their efforts. Everything was carried out in such a manner that preserved the satisfaction of our Bank’s clients. We truly believe that in business great things are achieved by a great team of people, especially when that team has a strong winning spirit and clear orientation towards achieving the results.