Serengeti logo WHITE w slogan
Serengeti logo WHITE w slogan

Mladen Gregović

Mladen Gregović is a COO, responsible for setting strategic direction of the company and its strategic business initiatives.

Prior to assuming his role as a COO of Serengeti, Gregović was a Board member and COO in one of the leading IT systems integration company in Croatia. He owns a versatile set of skills ranging from agile methodologies and people management to change management and holds proven track record of roles in design, development, system administration and project management that were earned during the past 20 years of working in IT and services. His organizational and leadership experience, keen business insights and focus on globalization are a contribution to Serengeti and shall provide a road map for future growth initiatives. 

Zatražite ponudu

Projekt je sufinancirala Europska unija iz Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj. Sadržaj emitiranog materijala isključiva je odgovornost tvrtke Serengeti d.o.o.