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Are Software Developers Introverted?

While the commonly expected answer to the title question would be “Yes“, the reality is far more complex. To begin with, let us define what it means to be an introvert. Carl Jung defined the terms introvert and extrovert in the early 20th century, and according to him, an introvert is a person primarily focused on their own inner experiences, thoughts, and feelings. An introvert tends to be more reflective and introspective and may feel more comfortable in quieter, more solitary environments. On the other side, extroverts tend to be outgoing, talkative, and energetic, and they often thrive in group environments.
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Python Book of Recipes #5 -A Delectable Palette: Exploring the Flavors of Color Spaces in Computer Vision

In this recipe, we will walk through the process of building a color space converter using Python, OpenCV and Streamlit. We will leverage the capabilities of OpenCV, a popular computer vision library, to handle image operations and color space conversions. Streamlit, a user-friendly library for creating interactive web applications, will enable us to create a visually appealing and intuitive interface for our color space converter.
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The Way To Digital Competitiveness In Hospitality: Innovative Solutions With The Help Of Serengeti

With the purpose of providing guests with easy access to all necessary information regarding accommodation, activities, and events during their stay, while having in mind the main aim - to create the best guest experience, the hotel chain, a well-known name in the hospitality industry, has chosen Serengeti as a partner. The client is a large company with a substantial presence in hospitality for the last six decades and has an extensive portfolio of seven different brands with 9 387 accommodation units across their hotels and resorts, as well as an additional 11 651 units in their camping resorts.
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The On-Call Experience – Managing Urgent Incidents as a Lead Software Developer

Working 24/7/365 is not a very common practice in most professions. Being a Lead Software Developer working on a project, I am available to the client 24/7/365. What does that mean? It means that every vacation, every national holiday or any day of the year, my team and I are available to the client on call. Yes, there are some benefits since being on call is paid extra and you can make good money, but it also presents many challenges to your private life.
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Python Book of Recipes #4 - TURF Analysis: A Gastronomic Journey into Total Unduplicated Reach and Frequency

TURF stands for Total Unduplicated Reach and Frequency. Just as a skilled chef meticulously selects ingredients to create a harmonious dish, we'll employ Python's magic to explore the delectable realm of TURF analysis, guiding us towards the perfect combination of ingredients.
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Python Book of Recipes #3 - Savory Classification Recipe: Spot-Checking Algorithms for a Flavorful Machine Learning Dish

In the field of machine learning, there is a famous saying: "No free lunch." This phrase emphasizes the need to carefully evaluate and compare different algorithms to find the most suitable one for a specific task. In this recipe, we will spot-check several classification algorithms using cross-validation to assess their performance.
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Python Book of Recipes #2 - A Dash of Customization: How Plugin Architecture Can Spice Up Your Code

Just as a chef adds spices and ingredients to a dish to make it more flavorful and customizable, a Python developer can use plugin architecture to add flexibility and extendibility to their code. By implementing a plugin architecture, you can empower other developers to add their own features to your codebase, while keeping the core functionality intact. Before whipping up some code with the help of plugin architecture, let us take a quick look at the advantages of plugin architecture.
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The Future of Technology: Key Takeaways from the McKinsey Tech Trends Outlook 2022 Report

The McKinsey Tech Trends Outlook 2022 report provides valuable insights into the state of the technology industry and the trends that are shaping its future. In this blog post, we will summarize some of the key findings from the report and what they mean for businesses.
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Running With a Cause: Serengeti Runners Participated in the 10th Wings for Life Race

This year's Croatian chapter of the internationally renowned humanitarian race, Wings for Life, was held in Zadar, as was previous years, on Sunday, May the 7th and it drew a big crowd of around 6.500 participants. Also, this was a jubilee year, as this edition was the 10th edition of Wings for Life!
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Python Book of Recipes #1 - How to Simplify Email Address Processing in Python

Hello Python folks! I am excited to start this python recipes book to the delight of python lovers, where I'll be sharing my thoughts and experiences with all of you. The First recipe is all about combining multiple Python features in just a few lines of code. So, lets’ start!
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Projekt je sufinancirala Europska unija iz Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj. Sadržaj emitiranog materijala isključiva je odgovornost tvrtke Serengeti d.o.o.