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6 years in Serengeti; a developers experience

I've spent a little over 6 years at Serengeti, so you could say I'm a part of 'the old team' who has experienced many of Serengeti's 'adventures'. So now, when I'm pouring my mind out on paper and remembering the different chapters of our adventure, I'm happy to say that most of the chapters make me smile.
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Developer's Mindset Growth

According to Dweck's book, people’s core attitudes fall into one of two categories: a fixed mindset or a growth mindset.
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Five Productivity Raising Tips for Programmers

When you are a programmer, learning is part of the job. There are dozens of technologies and frameworks we want to and need to master. But often we miss mastering our greatest resource – ourselves.
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Communicating in Difficult Situations

Constantly putting off difficult communication situations often leads to feelings of frustration, guilt, annoyance with oneself, anger, a reduction in self-confidence and, ultimately, more stress and anxiety. By following some simple guidelines and by using some well-tuned communication skills, communicating in difficult situations becomes easier.
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Who are actually Millennials? The perspective of a Millennium

Millennials, the term that has been frequently mentioned in the media in a positive but also in a negative meaning. Is this generation really lazy, narcissistic, and spoiled „adults“? Or they are enthusiastic, ambitious and idealistic individuals? Who are actually Millennials and why we mention them so often?
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Dijana Perić - From leaving her comfort zone to a managerial position

How dynamic and exciting can the path leading towards new business opportunities in Serengeti be? Our Dijana Perić, who "leveled up" in the first few weeks of her career, is best able to answer this particular question! Three years, three promotions When she made a decision to replace a smaller IT company with new challenges, […]
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Nataša Zec - a journey from a corporation to a company that values emotions

How to more closely describe Nataša Zec, one of Serengeti's key people? Well, let’s start from the beginning! Largely responsible for the establishment of the legal department, the adoption of procedures, standards, and good practices, our Nataša is a versatile and communicative woman who successfully balances her personal and professional life. First employment at the […]
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Ivan Živić - from a loved colourful character to true leadership qualities

An almost typical story of leaving your comfort zone also marked the career of atypical Ivan Živić, one of Serengeti's top leadership strengths. First development, then management In his 3 years in Serengeti, our Ivan has followed a similar development path as many of his colleagues. From the initial position of a developer, in which […]
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