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Scaling Scrum – Intro to Scrum@Scale

As one of the most popular and widely accepted agile frameworks, Scrum was envisioned and designed to enable a single team to perform its work at optimal capacity and at a sustainable pace. Given the rising volume and complexity of work performed during the development of a modern product (or service), most organizations eventually had multiple Scrum teams working together.
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Clean Code

Does the following situation seem familiar? An application that has been working reliably for many years suddenly needs a security update somewhere in the code. It’s the software of all things, whose documentation has been somewhat neglected since the last release(s); the software, whose original developers are no longer available. So, what do you do?
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Low-Code Platforms

Companies, from SMBs to large enterprises, in order to support their business processes inevitably use one or more software products, mainly purchased as an off-the-shelf package, or nowadays the leased peruse PaaS or SaaS products. Rapid market and business environment changes require fast process adaptation, which is why software should be quickly modified and made ready to support activities with minimal stress and costs. One of the possible solutions lies in using low-code development platforms.
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Best Agile Practices to Improve Productivity

Agile is an iterative approach to software development in which developers deliver functional code to their customers in smaller iterations or sprints. Agile practices help to deliver more value in one iteration and keep developers on track with project requirements. Here are some tips to improve your team’s productivity by using the best agile practices.
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WebAssembly: A Light at the End of the Tunnel

WebAssembly, in truth, neither is strictly web nor assembly. Then what is it? We will try to answer this question in this short blog series about WebAssembly. In this post we are going to start with a high-level overview of WebAssembly, how it works, what it brings to the web and how it will affect JavaScript.
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MFC and .NET Interoperability

This should serve as a short intro to the somewhat archaic MFC library. Nowadays, the .NET framework is much more widely used. Nevertheless, you might come across the need to connect an old MFC application to a new one written in .NET, for example, if the MFC one is too large and complex for easy migration to .NET. So, let's take a look at how to do that.
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Three States of Git and Three Sections of a Git Project

These three states make a system based on promotion. Each file can reside in one of these three states and change states depending on what was done to it.
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How Git Works

In order to understand how Git works, we first need to understand how Git saves data about changes made to one or multiple files.
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Introduction to Git and Types of Version Control Systems

Git is a Version Control System or VCS. VCS is basically software designed to record changes within one or more files over time. It allows us to undo or to cancel all made or pending changes within one or more files. If we're working on a project with many files, VCS enables us to control the whole project.
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Breaking down a monolithic application to microservices - you need to publish them somewhere

It’s not a panacea and it’s not a guarantee that it’s the right way of working with microservices but it works for us, maybe it’ll help you in breaking down your monoliths, or at least it’ll break some stuff.
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