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Flutter is Google’s UI Software Development Kit (SDK) and a great option if you looking to develop a mobile app in a fast and easy way, with minimal code writing.
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JPA Entity Inheritance

Recently I participated in a discussion with some quite experienced people in IT about ORM and how useful it is. Since I have had both good and bad experiences with ORM in the past, I decided to conduct some research on some good and bad ORM practices.
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How to solve document generation problem

Word and similar tools become less useful when trying to fill in one template file with multiple different data sets. For example, many different documents where the only difference is the forename and surname. Doing this by hand becomes tedious and time consuming.
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To be or not to be a full stack developer?

This article is intended for web developers as I come from that part and therefore consider myself able to speak only about full stack web developers. The article can be used as a list of things that you can put a checkmark or use it as a to-do learn list. Maybe, I will succeed in convincing you that full stack developer is an expression you should use very carefully. Let’s dig in.
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A Guide: How to successfully manage a distributed software development team

Rise of distributed team popularity, especially in software development, is sometimes due to specific project needs, but in most cases, it's driven by the inability to hire the appropriate talent locally. Therefore, the need for establishing and successfully managing a distributed team is steadily becoming increasingly important. This guide encompasses relevant experiences, practices, and recommendations, all of which aim to facilitate the art of successfully running a distributed software development team.
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Using Q-Learning for Pathfinding

Introduction Reinforcement learning is a part of machine learning that deals with finding the best action to take in a given situation. Unlike supervised learning where the training data is already classified, in reinforcement learning agent does not know if the actions it is about to take are correct or not. Agent must take the action and observe its consequences […]
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