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Harnessing APS Technology for Smooth Application Processing

In simple terms, APS is an abbreviation for Application Processing System. It refers to a sophisticated software solution designed to automate and manage the entire lifecycle of various applications. In other words, it is a software solution that helps organizations automate and guide or manage the application process for various types of applications, and those application requests may be for recruitment, student admissions, insurance, and many others.
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Appian Records – a solution for unified data, streamlined design and Robust Security

Organizations today face the challenge of developing applications that address specific business needs and user experiences, leveraging data that is distributed across the enterprise. Due to siloed systems and data architectures, organizations often struggle to integrate disparate data sources while ensuring data security. Despite established connections between data sources, queries can be slow and therefore retard performance and cause high maintenance costs. This can mean that even seemingly small changes to the application can take more time to implement, as the impact on performance needs to be considered alongside the logistical restructuring of the application.
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Developer vs. AI

The journey from early attempts to simulate human intelligence to the current era of artificial intelligence (AI) represents a fascinating exploration through the history of computing. Key moments in the development of AI date back to the mid-20th century, when pioneers such as Alan Turing laid the foundations for contemplating how computers could replicate human intelligence. Turing's test, introduced in 1950, marked the first step in posing the question: Can a machine think?
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Creating an efficient Test Case Repository – part 2

Welcome back to the two-part blog series on building simple and efficient test repository. In the first part, we compared our initial and target Test Case Repository structure, offering insights into the repository hierarchical reorganization and Test Case design/creation changes, and explained how Sprint Test Cases are executed and reported on. The second part will bring into focus organizational procedures needed for maintaining a Test Case Repository by explaining the process of incorporation of Sprint Test Case changes into the Regression Test Suite – in other words, we will talk about Regression Test Suite maintenance.
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Differences between roles in Scrum

While working as a Scrum master, I was repeatedly asked or heard questions like: “What are the responsibilities of a developer in Scrum?”, or: “What does the Product Owner do?”, or: ”What do you do as a Scrum master”. So, in this article I will try to demystify these three roles in Scrum. Since there are bound to be some readers of this article who do not yet know Scrum or have never heard of it, we should first talk about what Scrum is and what it is all about.
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A Trilogy on Breaking Free from Hardcoded Conventions

The last part of the trilogy on breaking free from hardcoded conventions in software development, with the first two blogs discussing Euro conversion and Oracle database upgrades. The emphasis is on transforming hardcoded paths into parameterized values for efficiency. A specific example involves creating a directory, parameterizing values, and integrating it into a package. The conclusion stresses the importance of learning from past experiences, advocating for increased parameterization in software development to avoid challenges.
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Working with Single-SPA Micro Frontend Framework

I am quite sure that anyone who has been working with backend/frontend technologies knows what microservices on the backend side are. Well, Micro Frontend is that, but on the frontend side. Simply put, Micro Frontend allows us to split one giant whole into smaller pieces. It allows us to split one giant monolith application into smaller “user-friendly” parts. Micro Frontend was presented 2016. and it was inspired by microservice architecture.
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Python Web Scraping: A Beginner's Guide

Web scraping is a powerful tool for extracting information from websites. It's used in a variety of fields, from data science to digital marketing. Python, with its rich ecosystem of libraries, is one of the most popular languages for web scraping. In this article, we’ll guide you through the basics of web scraping using Python with a practical example.
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Creating of an efficient Test Case repository – Part 1

Welcome to our proposed two-part blog post series on creating an efficient Test Case repository. We initiated this series to address issues in our current repository setup, specifically regarding Test Case creation and execution. Our aim was to optimize QA processes by reorganizing the repository and implementing BDD principles via Gherkin scenarios.
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Getting started with MongoDB

MongoDB is a popular NoSQL database that offers flexibility, scalability and powerful data manipulation capabilities. In this blog post, we will explore the fundamental concepts of MongoDB, including creating database, collections, establishing relationships and performing various types of aggregations.
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Arbeiten wir zusammen

Das Projekt wurde von der Europäischen Union aus dem Europäischen Fonds für regionale Entwicklung kofinanziert. Für den Inhalt der Website ist allein Serengeti ltd verantwortlich.