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Appian Guide Series: Interfaces - Homepage

In this part of the Appian Guide Series, we will show you how to create dynamic interfaces and how to connect them with data. This process will guide you through making your first site, forms, data lists and site access and authorization.
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Git Merge vs. Git Rebase

Git is a version control system and we use it to store and save changes within one or more files over time. It is a great tool because it shows us the status of a file at any specific time in history and shows precise information on who changed what at what time. But it is not so simple to work with that information if we have a lot of data and a lot of creators.
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Tutorial on How to Implement Producer-Consumer Pattern Using Wait and Notify Methods

This blog post will help you understand how we can implement the producer–consumer pattern using a thread-safe queue and wait/notify methods that belong to the Java Object class. To follow this tutorial, you need to have a basic knowledge of threads in Java, as well as any version of Java installed on your machine.
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Appian Guide Series: Basics and Introduction

The goal of the Appian Guide Series is to demonstrate how to create a simple Appian business application through four parts. In the first guide, we will show you how to set up a basic Appian application, application architecture, database connection and user roles.
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Deep Learning – Instance Segmentation

Instance segmentation is a computer vision task for detecting and localizing an object in an image. It is a natural sequence of semantic segmentation, and it is also one of the biggest challenges compared to other segmentation techniques.
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Running Tasks on a Scheduled Basis Using the Azure "Logic Apps" Service

Azure Logic Apps is an interesting cloud service that provides you with features to schedule and/or automate tasks, business processes, and workflows when you need to integrate data and services across enterprises or organizations.
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Deep Learning – Semantic Segmentation

Today, semantic segmentation is one of the key problems in the field of computer vision. Looking at the big picture, semantic segmentation is one of the high-level tasks that paves the way for a holistic understanding of the scene. The importance of understanding the scene as a fundamental problem with computer vision is highlighted by the fact that an increasing number of applications stem from the acquisition of knowledge from images.
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Jenkins Pipelines, or Five Instructions Yielding Utility

When we started the internal project that will be announced soon, there were many decisions we had to make regarding architecture, infrastructure, and development processes. Naturally, we pooled our knowledge and experience together, taking what worked best for us in the past and balancing it with the industry's contemporary best practices. One such decision was to use […]
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TDD vs. BDD vs. ATDD

Sometimes, software development can be overwhelming. There are lots of languages, frameworks, and tools to know about. Also, there are processes to follow. For a developer, in most cases, it’s not the work of writing out code that’s difficult. The complexity comes in determining what kind of code to write, how to handle different cases, […]
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IBM ACE Flow Testing, Debugging and Troubleshooting

The flow execution process inside the IBM App Connect Enterprise (ACE) integration node consists of at least three steps or nodes. Do not confuse flow nodes with integration nodes. An integration node represents a group of IBM ACE applications inside the integration server, while a flow node stands for the unit of work inside the […]
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