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[VIDEO] Top 5 reasons why Serengeti engineers are a perfect fit for your company!


Steht Ihr in-house Team von Softwareingenieuren vor einem Problem, das sie nicht selbst lösen können? Brauchen Sie zusätzliche Entwickler, aber finden es schwierig, geeignete Kandidaten zu finden? Wäre es nicht wundervoll, sofortigen Zugang zu einem Pool von engagierten, trainierten und erfahrenen Softwareingenieuren zu haben?

We are Serengeti Software Technologies!

Serengeti is an international software development consulting company specialized in providing dedicated, talented and result-driven software development teams on demand. Here are 5 reasons why our engineers are a perfect fit for your company!

1) Hand-vetted & trained

Our global team consists of hand-vetted, qualified engineers. Each engineer has proper certification, went through a strict selection process and receives ongoing training to stay on top of the latest trends and technologies.

2) Years of relevant experience

We understand that you expect core product development teams to quickly reach optimal productivity! That's why our software development department is comprised of mostly senior and lead engineers, ensuring the right experience level to meet your development needs.

3) A wide variety of soft skills

Besides technical training, our engineers have completed various courses to develop soft skills and positive personality traits. From communication, responsibility and positive attitude to self-motivation, critical thinking and problem-solving: our engineers have the skills needed for a successful collaboration.

4) A perfect blend of managerial and technical expertise

Our unique career development plan allows us to offer substantial technical and managerial expertise. After joining our company, engineers advance to various technical seniority levels and eventually choose either a technical or management role, each with its own set of courses and training. Our career program transforms engineers into future technical consultants, or managers capable of managing teams or entire business domains!

5) In-depth industry knowledge

We understand the value of industry knowledge. That's why our engineers have years and even decades of experience in relevant industries. This ensures fast onboarding, increases efficiency and boost productivity.

Choosing to work with Serengeti, means choosing to work with the absolute best!

While you are here, you can download the Checklist - Choosing the right nearshore partner for your software product development:

Contact us to find out how we can help with your next software development challenge!

Watch our video - Why Serengeti developers are the best!

How to successfully manage a distributed software development team?

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