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Outsourcing pricing models: Which one is the most logical?

Some of the methodologies and pricing approaches you will see with outsourcing partners include...
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Metrics, Logging and Tracing Are Just Data

Usually we think of logging and tracing data as continuously updated long chronologically ordered lines or records organized in plain text files with a relatively simple purpose – to keep record of the operating system, network, application or of service events and activities.
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Challenger banks and the rapid push for innovation

Challenger banks are just what the name says: they are challenges to established financial institutions. The concept started in the United Kingdom but has spread to many areas of the world, although sometimes under different names, i.e. just being called “fintech.”
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The Story of EAI/ESB

IT management is a line of business which must be tightly aligned with core business needs and demands in order to be successful. For them to be sustainable on a long-term basis and to achieve profit, core business activities must on all levels make the effort to establish cost-effective practices, strengthen customer relations, effectively manage risks, and accomplish business process elasticity in order to be resilient to dynamic and sometimes very sudden market environment changes.
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Introduction to Apache Kafka

So, the idea of this short article is to give you a short overview of Apache Kafka. After reading this, you’ll have a notion of what Kafka is, why it was created and how you can integrate it in the microservice architecture.
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Business continuity: You hear it a lot during COVID, but it's much bigger than that

Most of the articles are in the context of COVID pandemic, and “business continuity” means that you need to keep the lights on, you need to keep paying people with hopefully not too many layoffs, you need to find new revenue streams, and you need to make sure projects are done on-time...
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The Importance of Data in Machine Learning

Data is everything with a little bit of modeling on the side. So, let’s focus on a couple of key points of what kind of data is important, how much data you need, and how you can handle all this data.
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The peril of the delayed product launch

The sad reality, though, as Harvard Business Review noted in 2011, is that most product launches fail. That doesn’t always mean they are delayed; sometimes they launch on time but still fail.
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Get flexible. (No, not like that.) It’s the key to software development.

"Agile.” “Scrum.” “DevOps.” “Lean.” “Kanban.” All these words have distinct meanings, but in different organizations, they are approached differently.
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The Disruptive Technology of AI in Retail [WEBINAR]

Artificial Intelligence can help retail companies stay on top of the industry. This is what we discussed in our 30-minute webinar that you can find here.
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