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How to get your distributed team to work like a swiss watch and what are the benefits of this business model

56% of global companies today allow remote work and 62% of global employees can work remotely at least once a month. Studies show that this particular benefit makes them 24% happier in their workplace.
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We love the cloud. And now, in a time of pandemic, it’s going to love us back.

There is a value proposition to the cloud about managing teams. The cloud allows for easier work with remote teams or distributed teams, because no one would need to be physically on-site to access certain team resources. You can all get it from the cloud.
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WebAssembly: A Light at the End of the Tunnel

WebAssembly, in truth, neither is strictly web nor assembly. Then what is it? We will try to answer this question in this short blog series about WebAssembly. In this post we are going to start with a high-level overview of WebAssembly, how it works, what it brings to the web and how it will affect JavaScript.
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Five Ways Your Company's HR Can Respond to Crisis Situations

We plan to provide our colleagues with in-house training sessions through video conferences and we already provide online counseling and support to anyone who needs it. We’ve created a pool of ideas and we’re trying to come up with new proposals every day while working on the ones already approved. Our goal is to make this period easier for everyone and we hope our materials will be helpful.
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5 good outcomes of Coronavirus pandemic

As companies around the globe are responding to Coronavirus with newly established sets of actions, I couldn't help but notice couple of blessings in disguise for businesses.
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It’s not a time for quitting because of #coronavirus. It's time for growing. We’re all in it together.

The crisis will pass, we will face new challenges and for sure no one wants to have some old tails or to continue to work with a partner that gives up at the first dare.
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MFC and .NET Interoperability

This should serve as a short intro to the somewhat archaic MFC library. Nowadays, the .NET framework is much more widely used. Nevertheless, you might come across the need to connect an old MFC application to a new one written in .NET, for example, if the MFC one is too large and complex for easy migration to .NET. So, let's take a look at how to do that.
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Is #coronavirus both a huge threat … and a huge opportunity?

Coronavirus was called a pandemic around March 11. That is not even that long ago, and it already feels like everything has shifted into chaos. But if you are a business owner, how do you manage in a time of crisis like this? What are the strategies?
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We are in this together

Suddenly, overnight we turned around and found ourselves swirling in bugles shaped abyss, shocked and in denial that something like Coronvirus can take priority over the lives we've lived, the technology we have developed, holidays we've planned, salaries we've competed for, the security we thought we had, the ambition we carried, hobbies we enjoyed. All the sudden we became so dependent on the strength of our mind and spirit.
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Three States of Git and Three Sections of a Git Project

These three states make a system based on promotion. Each file can reside in one of these three states and change states depending on what was done to it.
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