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[PRESS BRUNCH] We are entering the AI development for Retail Industry

On October 08, 2020, we announced that we are taking a share of the retail application RedAI whose main purpose is a fast retail shelf analysis supported by artificial intelligence.
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Idea Knockout 2020

Idea Knockout winners are chosen by a jury consisting of experts in different fields. This year, our Technical Director Zoran Kovačević was a member of the jury.
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Clutch Named Us in Their TOP 5

“The companies on this list represent the best Croatia has to offer,” said Clutch Senior Revenue Operations Analyst Greg Kotchik.
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We are launching a webinar program

Possibilities seem to be endless once we are kicked out of our comfort zone. We at Serengeti are taking digitalization quite naturally as this is a part of our way of doing business.
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We Earned Our First Reviews on Clutch With an Average Grade of 4.7

We’re happy to announce that we’ve received our first three reviews on Clutch, a leading provider of B2B ratings and reviews.
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5 good outcomes of Coronavirus pandemic

As companies around the globe are responding to Coronavirus with newly established sets of actions, I couldn't help but notice couple of blessings in disguise for businesses.
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We are in this together

Suddenly, overnight we turned around and found ourselves swirling in bugles shaped abyss, shocked and in denial that something like Coronvirus can take priority over the lives we've lived, the technology we have developed, holidays we've planned, salaries we've competed for, the security we thought we had, the ambition we carried, hobbies we enjoyed. All the sudden we became so dependent on the strength of our mind and spirit.
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Conference: “How Transparency Affects Entrepreneurship”

The aim of this conference was to highlight the direct connection between economy and transparency in order to show that it’s an ideal system for entrepreneurship development. The city of Bjelovar, which has a completely transparent public sector, is an excellent example of this connection.
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Javantura v7 – We Were There!

The 7th International Java Community Conference Javantura v7 was held in Zagreb on February 22nd. Organized by the Croatian Java User Association HUJAK, it has over time become one of the largest Java community conferences in Croatia.
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6 things we rocked in 2019

2019 for us was a blast too. It is hard not to reflect on a plethora of amazing things we have accomplished, but just for the sake of not showing off too much, we will focus on a few.
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Arbeiten wir zusammen

Das Projekt wurde von der Europäischen Union aus dem Europäischen Fonds für regionale Entwicklung kofinanziert. Für den Inhalt der Website ist allein Serengeti ltd verantwortlich.
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