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Running Tasks on a Scheduled Basis Using the Azure "Logic Apps" Service

Azure Logic Apps is an interesting cloud service that provides you with features to schedule and/or automate tasks, business processes, and workflows when you need to integrate data and services across enterprises or organizations.
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Should you outsource rapid application development? And why?

Business is fast these days. It’s nimble, it’s disruptive, and it moves quicker than it ever has.
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We Are Ranked Among FT 1000 – Europe’s Fastest Growing Companies 2021

At the beginning of March, the FT 1000 2021 ranking was published and identified Europe’s Growth Champions. Based on our rapid and sustainable growth we were acknowledged by the Financial Times and Statista.
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Are some companies falling behind and how to even the software playing field

Partially because of the pandemic, and partially because of trends that were in place before the pandemic, the biggest companies in the world have been getting bigger in the past 18 months. Mid-sized and small companies, especially those that require brick-and-mortar locations to provide their services, have been struggling.
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Why Is 5G Technology Important for the Healthcare Industry?

It is predicted that 5G – which provides data transfer at high speed with low latency – will cause revolutionary changes in many industries. It seems that the improved connection speed is also going to redefine the doctor-patient relationship.
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Meet Hrvoje - our versatile finance expert who enjoys sharing his knowledge

Hrvoje – our Lead Software Developer from Bjelovar. Hrvoje came to Serengeti in 2018, where he was one of the first employees in our Bjelovar office.
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Imposter Syndrome

You graduated and worked hard for years, but that is expected, nothing to feel accomplished about. You give your best at your job, but that is never enough because you did not meet your own expectations. You have to crush it just to be au pair. You do not deserve to be here. You are out of your depth.
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Deep Learning – Semantic Segmentation

Today, semantic segmentation is one of the key problems in the field of computer vision. Looking at the big picture, semantic segmentation is one of the high-level tasks that paves the way for a holistic understanding of the scene. The importance of understanding the scene as a fundamental problem with computer vision is highlighted by the fact that an increasing number of applications stem from the acquisition of knowledge from images.
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Functionalities of Business Applications

When you think about the functionalities and features an app should have, you know that it should be covering the business function for which it was intended. The only question is whether this is enough and what additional functionalities and components should an app have to best meet user needs?
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Big Data Trends

It is nowadays becoming clear that big data has caught on in many businesses areas and has a strong potential to be the game changer in every businesses path to success. So, keeping up whit the trends in big data usage may be just the thing your business needs
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Das Projekt wurde von der Europäischen Union aus dem Europäischen Fonds für regionale Entwicklung kofinanziert. Für den Inhalt der Website ist allein Serengeti ltd verantwortlich.