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Introduction to OpenShift and Jenkins DevOps - PART TWO

From the perspective of OpenShift, Jenkins is a tool that can automate a developer’s OpenShift tasks. It’s that simple. There are several ways to automate tasks. Developers will need to do some configuration to get Jenkins working with OpenShift. It’s not like they can magically talk to each other. They’ll have to exchange some credentials and permissions.
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Introduction to OpenShift and Jenkins DevOps - PART ONE

From a developer’s perspective, the process of software development is not simple. We create applications, complex systems, algorithms, modules, services, etc. – and in most cases, we initially start with a local environment (our PCs). But, when a certain version (a part or an increment) of software is finished, things are far from over...
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The rapid rise of computer vision and how it can transform your business model

Computer vision is a combination of onboard artificial intelligence (AI) and cameras + sensors so that cameras can identify objects, count people, find distances between two objects, and more...
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Evolution Towards Microservices and Cloud-Native Applications

Over the last decade, the Spring Framework has evolved into the most popular framework for developing Java business applications. The Spring Framework has facilitated the development of loosely coupled applications that can be tested. However, the world has significantly changed in comparison to a decade ago. In the meantime, applications have grown into monolithic ones, making them difficult to maintain. Because of this, new architectures began to develop.
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Release Management

The paradigm shift from "Never change a running application" to "Always run a changing application" has introduced new challenges in the release process.
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Twisted and tangled: Spaghetti code loses you a lot of money. It can be fixed, though!

Spaghetti code. It means unstructured and difficult-to-maintain source code. In other words, it’s a mess. It looks like a bowl of spaghetti instead of the beauty that code can (and should) be.
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Microsoft Azure DevOps Server – One Ring to Rule Them All

In the DevOps ant yard things are constantly moving. New tools for different segments of the development cycle are being created and their capabilities ever more broadened.
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GDPR and Data Processing - The perspective of the IT company

When an IT company acts as a service provider, it can either be in the position of Data Processor or Data Controller. In any case, the preferred position for any entity is to be a data processor because there are fewer GDPR obligations for data processors.
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When business is a tornado of chaos, what does your company need?

Are you tired of talking about COVID? We are too. But we need to for a second. When you look at the full scope of what COVID has done to businesses, what are some of the major things that are changing, and will continue to change?
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Welcome FancyFrame

A few months ago, when I did the PR for PancakeView (the version for WPF) and had some issues with borders (which had worked perfectly on UWP), I thought about whether the code could be written once and used everywhere. Does that sound familiar? 😊
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