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A little explanation of cost vs. expertise in software development

What do Western European companies want out of software development partners? A few weeks ago, we found some research on the top five reasons that Western European companies use outsourced software development, so we’re working our way through a look at each topic, from cost efficiency to flexibility to quality of service and embrace of new technologies.
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We are launching a webinar program

Possibilities seem to be endless once we are kicked out of our comfort zone. We at Serengeti are taking digitalization quite naturally as this is a part of our way of doing business.
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What does New Technologies mean in Outsourcing Software Development

A few weeks ago, we found some research on the top five reasons that Western European companies use outsourced software development, so we’re working our way through a look at each topic, from cost efficiency to flexibility to quality of service. Those were the first three factors. Pretty logical, right? Well, now the fourth factor by percentage vote on the survey is “new technologies.” Let’s look at that for a second.
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PSD2 – Open Banking

The concept of open banking brings a complete shift to the banking sector by shifting focus onto the customer in the digital financial services market.
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Low-Code Platforms

Companies, from SMBs to large enterprises, in order to support their business processes inevitably use one or more software products, mainly purchased as an off-the-shelf package, or nowadays the leased peruse PaaS or SaaS products. Rapid market and business environment changes require fast process adaptation, which is why software should be quickly modified and made ready to support activities with minimal stress and costs. One of the possible solutions lies in using low-code development platforms.
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Once Again, What Is IoT Really All About?

Sometimes it is good to look back and remind ourselves what some contemporary tech terms really mean and what new technologies bring us in reality. When talking about topics related to the Internet of Things, different business domains display various perspectives, needs, and contexts.
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When it comes to software development, what is “quality” and how is it determined?

Does “quality software development” mean the beauty of the code, or does it mean that a project was delivered ahead of schedule and under-budget?
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If your software development team isn’t flexible, how are they helping you grow?

In your business, that means you need to be flexible and you need to take some current projects, ongoing projects, and “pet projects” of your leadership team and put them to the side -- and focus on new projects that could be bigger post-COVID revenue streams.
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Success Factors for IoT Investment

Expecting the information collected over the IoT system to bring real business benefits in any industry presents a serious challenge and a rewarding step forward. Conversely, it could be a disappointment and complete waste of time and money. Why is this so, and how do you find the best approach to the IoT software service implementation project that will satisfy all involved parties?
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Best Agile Practices to Improve Productivity

Agile is an iterative approach to software development in which developers deliver functional code to their customers in smaller iterations or sprints. Agile practices help to deliver more value in one iteration and keep developers on track with project requirements. Here are some tips to improve your team’s productivity by using the best agile practices.
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Das Projekt wurde von der Europäischen Union aus dem Europäischen Fonds für regionale Entwicklung kofinanziert. Für den Inhalt der Website ist allein Serengeti ltd verantwortlich.