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Operational Manager Dilemma

Imagine Marcus, Head of software development in very successful fast growing company. As a manager he is responsible for 10 SCRUM teams, approx. 60 people, representing IT functions such as business analysis, software architects, software engineers, testers and operations that follow an agile methodology. Marcus receives a plan for next year in delivery of 2 […]
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The importance of engineering team stability

The global economy is growing right now, and that’s good for businesses on most levels. The challenge is this: When the economy is robust, people have more options. That means employees can leave for better opportunities at other companies that are growing. Turnover can be especially bad for engineering / development teams, because losing crucial knowledge from […]
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Arbeiten wir zusammen

Das Projekt wurde von der Europäischen Union aus dem Europäischen Fonds für regionale Entwicklung kofinanziert. Für den Inhalt der Website ist allein Serengeti ltd verantwortlich.