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Why should you consider having a software development partner in Croatia


When most people think of offshoring, outsourcing, or nearshoring their software development, the countries that come to mind first include India, Russia, China, Ukraine, and Poland. You don’t hear as much about Croatia, where we are based. Most American companies tend to know Croatia mostly for Game of Thrones sets, and not as much for software development. But … it makes a lot of sense as a place to find top-quality software developers

The big reasons

Croatia gives you a population that largely speaks English, has a Western business mentality, a good cost structure, and the same time zone and meeting technologies that many North American companies are accustomed to. It’s a member of the EU and travel times within Europe, to America, and to Asia are all reasonable.

More reasons to consider a Croatian software development partner

  • A long history of strong engineers 
    Tesla was actually born in Croatia. Croatian engineers have invented the pen, the torpedo, pay-by-phone parking, and more.
  • Robust economy 
    It’s expected to grow 3% overall in 2019, with a strong 2020 projected.
  • Startup and development mindset 
    Repsly, a field service management solution whose biggest office is still in Zagreb, has 387% growth over the past three years and is Number 1,086 on Inc Magazine’s guide to the 5,000 fastest-growing private companies.
  • All manner of software developed
    Croatian software is currently helping authorities in Albania deal with the fallout from an earthquake. But there’s also education technology and e-car labs.
  • Outsourcing and offshoring are becoming more and more common
    That means more and more Croatians are learning business best practices when working with non-Croatians.
  • Croatia is an “up and coming” location for off/nearshoring. We were called that a few years ago.
  • It’s a place where you get value, not just cost wins. The Economist has even noted this.
  • 8,500 students in computer science per year
    The only Eastern European country with more -- and not many more, about 9,000/year -- is Czech Republic. Other than that, Croatia has the newest computer experts coming through the country.
  • Zagreb has a population of 803,000
    It’s manageable to visit, but you will find the right talent here too.
  • Top three in the world?
    Rootstack put us right with India and Panama as a location for software services, noting this“Croatia has the three key factors every nearshore or offshore software outsourcing country should have: They have a great talent pool, with more and more software development companies of great expertise being located there; they can communicate and handle English almost perfectly, and last, but not least, a commitment to improve their technological resources, something that is even backed up by the Croatian government itself.”

Ready to see all the amazing business outcomes you can find with a Croatian software developer? (Not to mention the natural beauty?) Connect with us today.

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