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In-house application for process management

A case study on how our first product, the rapid application development platform improved our internal operations and processes
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The Brief

The client is us. Yes, you’ve read that right. We have been using a rapid application development platform for internal operations and processes.

We call it GetiHUB because it is fully customized to our demands, and the name GetiHUB is associated with our chameleon – colloquially known as Geti.

The collateral benefits of using our own product internally range from a total control of development and features, and the fact that its reporting capabilities meet our exact needs.

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We needed a solution that would meet our requirements and that would be delivered fast; tailor-made for Serengeti.

Exponential growth is not unknown to us, as we witnessed revenue growth of 130%, we have grown from a small to a medium company, increased our employee number five times, expanded from one office to five and had clients from all over the world.

At the very beginning, we were a two-man show trying to sell software from a living room. Our list of projects expanded from a dozen to several hundred. Deloitte recognized us as one of the top 50 fastest growing companies in Central Europe two years in a row. None of this happened overnight, it is a result of our committed work and focus on what we do best – developing complex enterprise software. We did just what we advise our clients to do: we focused on our core business.

On the flip side, it resulted with evergrowing office administration. It started piling up, reporting was not organized, analyses were very basic and irregular. Mistakes occurred.

Along with improving business processes, we needed to switch from a small company to a big system mindset. This was the moment when we started looking for solutions that are available on the market. We did a lot of research and realized that we couldn’t find a solution that would satisfy our internal processes in a short time. We were aware that we had more and more backlog day in and day out, which meant more issues, as well.

When we realized that we had already spent a few months on negotiation and still had no solution, we decided to develop our own solution on the RAD platform.

A bold move!






The first step we took was internal brainstorming and internal workshops that resulted in a strategic plan and then an operational one for each profit centre.

We also needed to strengthen the managerial team and reorganize our administration departments. During the scanning phase, we figured out that we had more than 500 activities and 74 business processes.

After we optimized our internal business processes, the managerial reporting was set and our reports were finally comprehensive and in line with IBCS standards. These processes, roles, reports, and other administrative matters were a scheme of what this internal software should be doing. The aim of this internal app should be that it should cover all our internal processes. And our developers started to work on it.

The internal development team used RAD platform as the basis. They presented it to the management and explained that a lot of features can be ready for work within few weeks. Within just a few weeks we already had a bunch of core applications: Admin, User Management, Organization Management, Document Management, Notification Management, and even the main business application: Timesheet.

Well, everything you need for good and fast application development is organization of the development, team management. Thanks to this comprehensive approach, within two months from the start of the project, we had fully operative Timesheet, Project Management and Offers Management features. We are currently working on the next two: Human Resources Management and Decision Management features.

Even though we have more features to develop that will be fully customized, so far, we see a significant improvement in data integration, faster information flow, better internal communication, and cooperation between departments.

Furthermore, we now have a faster and better decision-making process because we can always check which business issues are open. This could all have been achieved with many different applications for each business division, but it would probably have taken an additional year. In other words, this means that we did not just save time – we also saved money that would otherwise have gone on different applications, which would not have been fully tailored to our business requirements.

This project has also had a significant impact on our culture. Our developers told us that while working on this project they embraced knowledge sharing and were able to complement each other with different set of skills. They learned new things from each other and got familiar with new technologies. This provided a solid knowledge base for upcoming customers’ projects.


Top Benefits for the Client

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