MongoDB is a popular NoSQL database that offers flexibility, scalability and powerful data manipulation capabilities. In this blog post, we will explore the fundamental concepts of MongoDB, including creating database, collections, establishing relationships and performing various types of aggregations.
Set up the docker environment using steps in the previous blog post.
Create a docker-compose.yml
version: '3.9'
     attachable: true
 services:  Â
     image: "mongo:4.0-xenial"
     container_name: mongo1
     command: --replSet rs0 --smallfiles --oplogSize 128
       - rs1:/data/db
       - ./mongo/init_script:/init_script
       - localnet
       - "27017:27017"
     image: "mongo:4.0-xenial"
     container_name: mongo2
     command: --replSet rs0 --smallfiles --oplogSize 128
       - rs2:/data/db
       - localnet
       - "27018:27017"
     image: "mongo:4.0-xenial"
     container_name: mongo3
     command: --replSet rs0 --smallfiles --oplogSize 128
       - rs3:/data/db
       - localnet
       - "27019:27017"
 volumes:    Â
     rs3:    Â
Open c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file in any editor as administrator. Add this line at the end and save the file.Â Â mongo1 mongo2 mongo3
$ docker-compose up -d
Creating network "mogondb_localnet" with the default driver
Creating volume "mogondb_rs1" with default driver
Creating volume "mogondb_rs2" with default driver
Creating volume "mogondb_rs3" with default driver
Creating mongo2 ... done
Creating mongo1 ... done
Creating mongo3 ... done
$ sudo docker exec -it mongo1 mongo
To create a MongoDB database, use the use command in the MongoDB shell.
> use FoodMarket
switched to db FoodMarket
Collections in MongoDB are like tables in relational database. You can create a collection by simply inserting a document into it. MongoDB will create the collection if it does not exist.
> db.products.insertOne({
   title: "Kruška Abata"
   supplier: "Enna Fruit"
MongoDB supports several ways to model relationships between data. The two most common methods are embedding and referencing.
Embedding involves nesting related data within a document. In our example, a product collection document may contain an array of rates.
> db.products.insertOne({
   title: "Kruška Abata",
   supplier: "Enna Fruit",
   rates: [
       quantity: 1
       unit: "kg"
       price: 1.69
       quantity: 2
       unit: "kg"
       price: 3.00
   ]   })
Referencing involves storing references to the related document's object ID.
> db.rates.insertOne({
   title: "Kruška Abata",
   rates: [
       productId: ObjextId("507f1f77bcf86cd799439011")
       quantity: 1
       unit: "kg"
       price: 1.69
       productId: ObjextId("507f1f77bcf86cd799439022")
       quantity: 2
       quantity: 1
       unit: "kg"
       price: 3.00
   ]  Â
MongoDB provides a powerful set of aggregations for data transformation and analysis. We can count the number of products by each supplier.
$ db.products.aggregate([
   $group: {
     _id: "$supplier",
     totalProducts: { $sum: 1}
We can filter the database according to criteria.
$ db.products.aggregate([
   $match: {
     supplier: "Enna Fruit"
We can sort data in ascending or descending order.
$ db.products.aggregate([
   $sort: {
     title: -1
Use the $lookup state to perform left outer joins between collections.
$ db.products.aggregate([
   $lookup: {
     from: "rates",
     localField: "_id",
     foreignField: "productId",
     as: "productRates"
In this post, we have created a local docker environment with MongoDB containers and executed different aggregation queries in the MongoDB shell.