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Serengeti at Good Game Zagreb 2022

Marko Kaselj, Marketing Sprecialist

There are many parallels between the programming and gaming worlds. They are both virtual and need computers to power their industry, and in both worlds, there is a need for creative problem-solving. The origins of both the programming and gaming worlds can be traced to the board game Dungeons and Dragons. Those in the 70s and 80’s opting to sit recess out would come to escape reality by playing the mathematically intricate game. Besides the mathematical and logic-based skills players would need to exhibit, it was a way to virtually become somebody of importance. The game offered those of unathletic ability an even playing field.

Since then, the two industries have become part of mainstream society. Those so-called “geeks” that were constantly working on a computer or playing Dungeons and Dragons have now produced two industries that are intricate in our business and social life in the 21st century. The gaming industry in particular has skyrocketed and now makes twice the revenue of the Hollywood film industry and every day, 1 in 3 people in the whole world will play a video game.

Considering the origins of gaming and programming as well as world trends in the two industries, it is no surprise that many programmers are gamers. The employees at Serengeti are no exception. Just like how sports can help with team building, so too does e-sports and gaming help to create a stronger synergy amongst Serengeti’s employees. When programmers have some downtime, many play with each other on our campus. Our employees have been practicing and we are excited to say that we were competing at this year’s Good Game Zagreb's biggest B2B e-sport competition.

Good Game Zagreb is a yearly tournament consisting of 32 teams, made up of amateur skilled players from participating companies, who played extremely popular games Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.  By competing we are raising money for charity and bonding with one another and others in the tech community in Croatia.

Every team picked what would be their humanitarian, non-profit organization for which they will compete, in case they win, or finish second or third. The first round of competition was held online, where companies separated into the handpicked groups went against each other for the better position in the main tournament which was held in Zagreb’s Boogaloo club, on the 27th and 28th of May.

Our team went to the tournament and achieved some great victories and some defeats, but in general, we may say that we fulfilled our purpose – which was bonding and team building, sort of, and had great fun watching other skilled players and great plays! We are glad that we participated in this event for a great cause, where our fun channeled real money to the ones who are in biggest need.

Thanks to the Good Game crew - see you next year!

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The project was co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund. The content of the site is the sole responsibility of Serengeti ltd.