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Are Software Developers Introverted?

Dubravko Martinić, Director of Software Engineering

While the commonly expected answer to the title question would be “Yes“, the reality is far more complex. To begin with, let us define what it means to be an introvert. Carl Jung defined the terms introvert and extrovert in the early 20th century, and according to him, an introvert is a person primarily focused on their own inner experiences, thoughts, and feelings. An introvert tends to be more reflective and introspective and may feel more comfortable in quieter, more solitary environments. On the other side, extroverts tend to be outgoing, talkative, and energetic, and they often thrive in group environments.

While it is believed that the percentage of introverts in the general population is around 50% or less, research examining the introversion of software engineers consistently reveals a higher percentage.

Software development is a field that demands a high level of concentration, focus and problem-solving skills. It is logical to assume that a person who is reflective and introspective would perform better in a job that requires extensive problem solving and critical thinking. Introverted persons would also less likely be distracted by social interactions, which allows them to fully immerse themselves in their work.

However, some recent studies show that there is no significant difference between the programming skills of introverts and extroverts.

What about extroverts?

However, it is equally important to recognize the value of extroversion in software development as well. In the modern era, building software without collaboration and teamwork is virtually impossible, and extroverts thrive in such collaborative environments. Their outgoing nature encourages the sharing of ideas and the exchange of knowledge. By building interpersonal connections, extroverts enhance overall team cohesion and productivity of development teams. Moreover, they actively engage in networking, attend conferences, and participate in communities, which exposes them to fresh perspectives and innovative ideas.

Extroverts are also known for their effective communication skills, a vital aspect of software development. Clear and efficient communication is essential to accurately convey complex ideas and requirements. Their ability to engage in discussions, present ideas, and seek feedback promotes effective collaboration and bridges the gap between technical and non-technical team members.

To build software, developers need to understand the requirements of the stakeholders, and this is another area where extroverts excel due to their natural skills in connecting with people and understanding their perspectives.


In conclusion, while software development is usually associated with introversion, the importance and value of extroversion in this field should not be underestimated. The most successful teams often consist of both introverts and extroverts working together, understanding their differences, and splitting the work accordingly. By embracing and harnessing the unique strengths of both introverted and extroverted individuals, organizations can foster an environment that maximizes the potential of all software developers.

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