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Serengeti is among TOP 10 fastest growing IT companies in Croatia

Serengeti Software Technologies, an international software development nearshoring and consulting company based out of Croatia has just been named as one of the TOP10 fastest growing IT companies in Croatia, based on YOY (2017/2018) relative revenue growth of 72%.
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To be or not to be a full stack developer?

This article is intended for web developers as I come from that part and therefore consider myself able to speak only about full stack web developers. The article can be used as a list of things that you can put a checkmark or use it as a to-do learn list. Maybe, I will succeed in convincing you that full stack developer is an expression you should use very carefully. Let’s dig in.
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Serengeti goes to Africa!

Well, it is actually our friend who will be traveling. A renowned IT journalist Oleg Maštruko has just started an epic rally through several African countries carrying our flag.
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Checklist: Choosing the right nearshore partner for your software product development

What's Inside? - Why product development is different - Top non-skilled-based requirements - Pick your favorite from 5000 in CEE
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Who are actually Millennials? The perspective of a Millennium

Millennials, the term that has been frequently mentioned in the media in a positive but also in a negative meaning. Is this generation really lazy, narcissistic, and spoiled „adults“? Or they are enthusiastic, ambitious and idealistic individuals? Who are actually Millennials and why we mention them so often?
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You can not scale your R&D with copies of your development employees

True story: The software product development team is 8 people. The average age in the R&D is 31. All engineers work for the company for at least 3 years. Everybody in the team can jump on various tasks like database, middleware, UI, report generator – even testing! Team needs to grow for 2 or 3 more engineers. Job ad published on several portals for already 10 months but no candidate matches the desired skill profile.
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[VIDEO] Top 5 reasons why Serengeti engineers are a perfect fit for your company!

Is your in-house software development team facing a problem it cannot solve? Are you in need of additional software development personnel, but are you struggling to find suitable candidates? Wouldn't it be great to have instant access to a pool of dedicated, trained and experienced software engineers?
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Why does outsourced engineering fail? (And how do you make it better?)

Outsourcing of software development is more and more often preferred. Despite that, a lot of such projects are over-budget, it takes too long and fails in general. Here you can find out how to skip such a situation and how to efficiently work with an outsourced team.
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A Guide: How to successfully manage a distributed software development team

Rise of distributed team popularity, especially in software development, is sometimes due to specific project needs, but in most cases, it's driven by the inability to hire the appropriate talent locally. Therefore, the need for establishing and successfully managing a distributed team is steadily becoming increasingly important. This guide encompasses relevant experiences, practices, and recommendations, all of which aim to facilitate the art of successfully running a distributed software development team.
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Operational Manager Dilemma

Imagine Marcus, Head of software development in very successful fast growing company. As a manager he is responsible for 10 SCRUM teams, approx. 60 people, representing IT functions such as business analysis, software architects, software engineers, testers and operations that follow an agile methodology. Marcus receives a plan for next year in delivery of 2 […]
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