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How to “Dockerize” Your Angular (14) Application

Docker has revolutionized the way modern applications are developed and deployed, offering a flexible and efficient way to package and run applications in containers. In this blog, we will delve into the reasons why Angular developers and DevOps engineers should consider dockerizing their applications and the advantages that come with it. We will also cover the basics of dockerizing an Angular application, from building a Docker image to deploying it in a production environment.
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Angular Material Theming

Angular Material is a popular UI library for Angular that provides a set of reusable, well-designed UI components. One of its powerful features is the ability to apply custom themes to the components, allowing you to change the look and feel of your application with just a few lines of code. In this blog, we'll take a deep dive into Angular Material Theming and learn how to use it in your own applications.
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NFTs, what are they and how are they used?

Non-Fungible Tokens, or NFTs, have been a hot topic in the digital art and collectibles space. But what are they and why are they so important? An NFT is a digital asset that proves ownership of a one-of-a-kind item, such as digital work of art or collectible. Unlike ordinary digital documents, which can easily be cloned and shared, each NFT is unique and cannot be replaced by another. This is made possible by blockchain technology, the same technology that cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are based on.
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Are Programming Languages Really Languages?

Are programming languages really languages? This is a question that was asked by the marketing team at one of the gatherings. Promptly and without thinking, I said "of course they are", because, as a person who has worked with many different programming languages for 16 years, at that moment I thought it was true. But now that we need to explain it a little and support it with facts, we come to the point that it is more of a philosophical question based on how who defines what language is, so here is my attitude to the question from the title.
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Pessimistic and Optimistic Locking in JPA and Hibernate

In this article, we’ll learn what the optimistic and pessimistic locking mechanisms are. They both represent mechanisms for handling simultaneous access to data. Additionally, we’ll learn when to use one or the other mechanism. When dealing with transactions, most often we focus only on topics such as relations or queries without paying attention to the basic concepts. Sometimes, these basic concepts can have a significant impact on application performance.
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Javascript On Stage

In this article I will explain how we can build frontend, backend, mobile and desktop apps using only one programming language, Javascript. We are­ going to explore different technology stacks and javascript frameworks. You don't have to be a developer to understand the topic. I will not go deeply into matter but we will explore the matter in general.
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Code Modularity

In the world of programming, developers often start writing code according to "regulations" or informal code-writing rules. They leave comments, write down what each function does, and usually what is the purpose of the whole script. But as the project moves forward, in order to achieve the goals and solve the task as soon as possible, instead of long-term time savings, we often opt for short-term success. The written script very quickly turns from beautiful code into something that everyone avoids, and finding bugs in that messy pile becomes a big challenge.
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Basic NgRx Implementation

Ngrx is a library that provides a way to manage state in Angular applications. It is based on the concept of Redux, a popular state management library for JavaScript applications. In this blog, we will go over the basic implementation of ngrx in an Angular application.
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ASP.NET Core Health checks

Sooner or later, we need to know the status of our application, external services it uses and all other parts important for our application to work properly. For example, an application may have a health check for its database connection to ensure that the connection is still alive and working properly. If the database connection fails, the health check system can be configured to report the problem to interested parties. ASP.NET provides a built-in health check system that can be used to monitor these parts. Health checks are exposed by an application as HTTP endpoints, where the basic use case is to check the ability to a process request.
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Rethinking Reliability: What you can (and can't) learn from incidents

What exactly is an incident? There are many different definitions of what makes an incident in various industries. If I were to reduce them all to a common denominator, the focus would most often be on unintended and often unforeseen events that cause unwanted consequences. In this blog, I will try to bring you closer the topic of incidents using the example of an organization that has a large IT department as a support to the organization's primary business.
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The project was co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund. The content of the site is the sole responsibility of Serengeti ltd.