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Spring Gathering of Geti Champions

Lucija Babić, Content and Communications Specialist

“Content is King” – If that’s true, then the kingdom is made of all types of content produced and of all the people who are somehow included in the production and publishment of this content. This famous quote was originally the title of an essay by Bill Gates, published in 1996.

Anyhow, for the last few years – maybe even a decade – we have been seeing this statement continuously gaining in popularity. This is because people are looking for content with educational value. We are aware of this and that’s why we have our Geti Blog Club and Geti Champions who are helping us to tell our story.

Moreover, depending on the integration of content in a company’s strategy, as well as the internal/external focus of the content, companies can be Players, Processors, Performers or Platforms on the market. This is also one of the reasons why our Geti Champions have a special place in our company and, in a way, gain special treatment – we are aware of market needs, and we are doing our best to produce blog posts that will have value.

As part of this important internal project, we periodically organize gatherings, where we educate each other, audit some content, and brainstorm about future topics.

This was the case on March 25, 2021. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, some of our champions participated online, while others met in our gaming room at our office location.

Considering our new company visual identity, we decided to refresh our Geti Blog Club logo, as well, and we revealed it at this gathering. In accordance with the company's brand identity, the new club logo is also simplified, modernized, refreshened, and infused with the new colors.

We decided to do so because of the consistency of our brand voice, and because the tone of voice also needs to be consistent in written content. It is furthermore necessary that it is consistent with our purpose, that it refers to our company personality and emotions, and it must also be consistent with our brand values and how readers will perceive the Serengeti brand.

In the context of our written content – blog posts – we shared three main tips on how to achieve this:

  • Consistency
    It’s not just about the consistency of the brand voice and the tone of voice. It is more about each piece of content we produce. Each blog post must have a tone of voice, so it fits into both the blog section and the whole website.
  • Complexity
    As we grow with time, we have to infuse this new knowledge and skills in our blog posts. Meaning that our blog posts need to become more complex with time and reflect the complexity and diversity of our expertise in each domain.
  • Imagery
    The visual part is also very important and needs to be in line with our brand standards. The best way to explain this is the phrase, “a picture is worth a thousand words.”

Since our last gathering in October 2020, we achieved great results, too.

The visits to our blog section have increased by 74%, with a significant increase in organic visitors. Furthermore, the average time spent onsite has increased by 94%, which proves that our content is educational and that people enjoy reading it.

We are happy to see these numbers, as they are additional proof that we are doing a great job.

So, make sure to follow us on LinkedIn to gain prompt info about the new blog posts that we are preparing.

Let's do business

The project was co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund. The content of the site is the sole responsibility of Serengeti ltd.
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