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Twisted and tangled: Spaghetti code loses you a lot of money. It can be fixed, though!

Spaghetti code. It means unstructured and difficult-to-maintain source code. In other words, it’s a mess. It looks like a bowl of spaghetti instead of the beauty that code can (and should) be.
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GDPR and Data Processing - The perspective of the IT company

When an IT company acts as a service provider, it can either be in the position of Data Processor or Data Controller. In any case, the preferred position for any entity is to be a data processor because there are fewer GDPR obligations for data processors.
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When business is a tornado of chaos, what does your company need?

Are you tired of talking about COVID? We are too. But we need to for a second. When you look at the full scope of what COVID has done to businesses, what are some of the major things that are changing, and will continue to change?
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Is picking an outsourcing partner kinda like dating?

We sometimes draw these thick lines between what we want from work (buzzwords like “cost efficiencies” and “value-add team models”) and what we want from personal (fun times, respect, free drinks, maybe a family), but the reality is that the process to find both is very similar.
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Tire Recognition meets Machine learning v.2: Step by step approach – Frank’s case [PART 2]

While in first part about Frank’s case we explained what the problem was, modus operandi and taken steps, here we are going to describe approach conducted and what was the final output and business benefits.
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Tire recognition meets Machine Learning v.1: Things to consider and modus operandi

Frank’s tire catalogue included 80 tire manufacturers and over 20 000 unique tire models, with 5digit number of tires moving daily. Aside from the risk of human error during sorting upon arrival, there was a risk of human error when sorting prior to shipping out.
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The “desired” vs. “the actual:” The rise of automated testing and how to find your ideal partner

Let’s look a bit more at the growth of automated testing and what you need to be looking for if you work with an outsourced partner on automated testing projects.
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Knowledge Management – What, Why and How

What types of knowledge there are, what are the key principles of Knowledge Management (KM), what are the reasons and prerequisites to introduce knowledge management in an organization are just some of the questions that should be thoroughly analysed and answered before starting to introduce knowledge management.
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Moving from legacy application to modern, cost efficient application in 5 steps

Although now we are in the age of the Internet of Things, Machine learning and other modern tech trends, still there are a lot of companies that have core business applications based on legacy technologies. Generally, the main reason why companies still have legacy applications is that such application is one of their biggest IT assets. They invested a lot of different resources in it, even got used to it but over the time, which in IT industry flies faster than ever, they realize that they are left behind and that they need to speed up the game.
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Without a DevOps and Machine Learning, you will fall behind in Industry 4.0

It’s very important for revenue growth to use these technologies, especially because the global business environment is going to be uncertain for a while because of COVID-19. We do not know what consumer spending will look like or how it will bounce back in every industry. You need to maximize the advantages that you have.
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Let's do business

The project was co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund. The content of the site is the sole responsibility of Serengeti ltd.