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# Tag: agile

Applying Agile Risk Management

With increasing project complexity and with the COVID-19 pandemic many companies have been driven to reexamine and improve their risk management techniques, technologies, and processes. This short article should help you better understand how to apply risk management in agile projects and help you take steps to reduce risks in the future.
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How to Save a Development Project

For some projects, companies hire developers with about a year of experience. A team is usually enthusiastic, eager to work and gather new experiences, and works well to a certain point. Then the project becomes too complex and, most often, ends up only half-realized. To prevent the project from failing, companies hire a SWAT team - skilled people experienced in working with demanding projects.
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Is your organization ready for SAFe?

In the first part of this series of blog posts, we defined what SAFe is. We also explained why companies implement this framework and what its advantages are. In the second part, we will explain in more detail how SAFe is organized and how to recognize whether your company is ready for its implementation.
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Embracing Agile - From Agile Teams to Corporate Agility

Many of the world’s largest companies have introduced Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) into their business model. What prompted such large companies to introduce a new framework into their business at all, and why did they choose SAFe?
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The Importance of Documentation in Software Development

What is the importance of documentation in software development and how it can help make the Agile methodology become more efficient at realizing projects?
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