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Stop And Get Some Rest - How Taking Breaks Can Boost Your Productivity

In today's fast-paced world where work has become an inevitable part of our lives, we often forget how important it is to take a break from work and devote ourselves to our thoughts. Not in the sense of rest, but how rest actually has a great effect on our productivity.
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Client Relations in Software Development - Insights from a Developer

After several years of experience in development, when I look back at the very beginning and my expectations, as someone who wanted to be a programmer since elementary school, I can say that the reality is different from everything I imagined. When I graduated from college, my idea was to immediately work on the development of new software solutions using the latest technologies, but the reality is that some projects are not so innovative but are still valuable experience - and that's exactly what I liked about that. In this text, I will try to convey to you what I wish someone had told me at the very beginning – lessons learned in dealing with clients.
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Unveiling The Secrets Of Professional Software Developers

According to the statistics, in 2023, there are more than 27.7 million developers worldwide. What makes you different from others? How do you compete in the labor market? How do you stand out from the crowd? Now, in the following sections, we will address a few characteristics every professional should have.
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Working in Serengeti for 5 Years – A Story from Lead Developer

In times when developers are most in demand and employee turnover is generally high, many of our employees have been with us for 5 or even 10 years. In addition to domain knowledge, we are recognizable by our unique culture that we have nurtured since our foundation in 2007, and which we have successfully transferred to all development centers. For all those curious about why developers stay in Serengeti, we spoke with Lead developer, Boris Pavlović, who this year celebrates a 5-year work anniversary.
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Are Software Developers Introverted?

While the commonly expected answer to the title question would be “Yes“, the reality is far more complex. To begin with, let us define what it means to be an introvert. Carl Jung defined the terms introvert and extrovert in the early 20th century, and according to him, an introvert is a person primarily focused on their own inner experiences, thoughts, and feelings. An introvert tends to be more reflective and introspective and may feel more comfortable in quieter, more solitary environments. On the other side, extroverts tend to be outgoing, talkative, and energetic, and they often thrive in group environments.
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The On-Call Experience – Managing Urgent Incidents as a Lead Software Developer

Working 24/7/365 is not a very common practice in most professions. Being a Lead Software Developer working on a project, I am available to the client 24/7/365. What does that mean? It means that every vacation, every national holiday or any day of the year, my team and I are available to the client on call. Yes, there are some benefits since being on call is paid extra and you can make good money, but it also presents many challenges to your private life.
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Abhijeet Koli – from India and USA, all the way to Croatia

Abhijeet Koli, our Lead Software Developer, came to be the careers section's first guest in 2023. Abhijeet, or Abi, as we like to call him, had an interesting career path. From his humble beginnings in India, he came to the USA, promised land of dreams. Not long after that, his professional path took him to Croatia, and three years later, he is here with us.
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How I Learned To Stop Worrying About Problems And Love To Think About Solutions

When you work as a software developer for many years, things sort of fall into place. It is clear to you what is expected of you, you look at tasks and assignments from the right perspective, over the years, communication has evolved to a high level, you are aware that you are part of a team. However, on a perfectly normal day at work when nothing out of the ordinary seemed about to happen, I received a proposal from my superior to assume the role of development team lead on a project at a renowned enterprise client.
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Ivan Jakab - Developer's Cookbook With a Tasty Vegan Recipe

In this blog post, our guest is one of our experienced developers, Ivan Jakab. He was one of the faces of our employer branding campaign this summer, and what is so special about him is the fact that he is our vegan developer! As November, a vegan month passed, we asked Ivan to write us a recipe for one of his favorite dishes! And not only that – see what’s going on in the life of one senior developer in Serengeti.
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Ivan Milas – New Board Member and Co-owner of Serengeti

After the recent changes in the ownership structure of Serengeti, we invited the relatively new co-owner of Serengeti and sales director Ivan Milas for an interview. In addition to his previous responsible position, it's been almost two months since Ivan became a member of the Management Board. There was little time to celebrate (although there was some) as the scope of his duties, activities, and responsibilities increased.
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