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Upskilling does not work that well. So how do you digitally transform?

As your business changes -- whether it’s a smaller change like embracing the cloud or a bigger change like a completely new strategy -- your people need to change with it, or the change won’t go very well.
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Spatial Data in .NET

Spatial data contains information about geometrical properties of a certain entity, such as the position, length and surface area. This kind of data could theoretically also be stored using conventional data types, but it would be quite inconvenient for processing. Therefore, many database systems and software frameworks support using special datatypes for spatial data. In this post handling spatial data in the .NET Framework will be covered.
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Microservices as a crucial component of digital transformation

In order to “digitally transform” your business, your processes (internally, with employees and contractors) need to reflect a new way of doing business and an embrace of the tech stack. Externally, you need to make sure your systems are easy and intuitive to use for an end user. No one likes to land on a website or app and think it was built in 1994.
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Tech stack strategies for digital transformation

When you are looking at digital transformation, there are a couple of things to keep in mind around the tech stack.
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Deep Learning Neural Networks – PART TWO

Based on convolutional neural network architecture, which we explained in part one of this article series, we will show you how to create a simple deep learning convolutional neural network for image classification for the CIFAR-10 dataset.
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Deep Learning Neural Networks – PART ONE

The most well-known deep learning architectures are certainly deep neural networks, DBF (deep belief network), and recurrent neural networks. Some of the fields where deep learning can be applied are computer vision, speech recognition, sound recognition, social filtering network, bioinformatics, drug design, advanced image processing, segmentation, whatever data has a time component, etc. In many scenarios, deep learning has shown equal and even superior results in relation to human expertise.
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Where should innovation reside in your organization?

Ten years ago, if you were to present your business card to someone and it said “Chief Innovation Officer” or “Chief Ideation Officer,” you’d likely see an entire room of blank stares and be laughed out of the room...
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Progressive Modernization [WHITEPAPER]

Download our whitepaper Progressive Modernization in which you will find out: Why is it a good idea to switch to microservices? Why shouldn’t you move to microservices? Different strategies to transforming a monolithic application into microservices Short look at our client cases
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Query Optimization in Oracle SQL – Tips & Tricks

You designed and coded your application, everything is working perfectly, your end customer is pleased, everything is firing on all cylinders… As time passes and your business starts growing, all of a sudden, the monthly report starts to arriving late – information that was needed in the morning starts arriving in the afternoon, your batch processes become slower and slower...
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Customer experience is more important than brand. How do you make sure you do it right?

At the most logical, basic level, happy customers lead to more sales and more referrals, and referral is the most powerful marketing channel there is by far.
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Let's do business

The project was co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund. The content of the site is the sole responsibility of Serengeti ltd.