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Using Q-Learning for Pathfinding

Introduction Reinforcement learning is a part of machine learning that deals with finding the best action to take in a given situation. Unlike supervised learning where the training data is already classified, in reinforcement learning agent does not know if the actions it is about to take are correct or not. Agent must take the action and observe its consequences […]
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Impressions from the conference - We are developers 2019

World's largest developers conference, We are developers 2019 was held in Berlin on June 6st and 7st. The main purpose of the conference is to gather together developers from all over the world to share their knowledge. Each year our experts go there, and this year (2019) 8 of our experts attended it.  More than […]
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Dijana Perić - From leaving her comfort zone to a managerial position

How dynamic and exciting can the path leading towards new business opportunities in Serengeti be? Our Dijana Perić, who "leveled up" in the first few weeks of her career, is best able to answer this particular question! Three years, three promotions When she made a decision to replace a smaller IT company with new challenges, […]
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The importance of engineering team stability

The global economy is growing right now, and that’s good for businesses on most levels. The challenge is this: When the economy is robust, people have more options. That means employees can leave for better opportunities at other companies that are growing. Turnover can be especially bad for engineering / development teams, because losing crucial knowledge from […]
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Serengeti team was at JavaCro `19

International Conference, JavaCro`19 was held on May 12-14. For eight years in a row, it traditionally brings together a growing Java community. The conference is organized by the Croatian Association of Java Users (HUJAK) and the Croatian Association of Oracle Users (HROUG). In 2019 the conference was held on a new location; the beautiful hotel […]
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Nataša Zec - a journey from a corporation to a company that values emotions

How to more closely describe Nataša Zec, one of Serengeti's key people? Well, let’s start from the beginning! Largely responsible for the establishment of the legal department, the adoption of procedures, standards, and good practices, our Nataša is a versatile and communicative woman who successfully balances her personal and professional life. First employment at the […]
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Ivan Živić - from a loved colourful character to true leadership qualities

An almost typical story of leaving your comfort zone also marked the career of atypical Ivan Živić, one of Serengeti's top leadership strengths. First development, then management In his 3 years in Serengeti, our Ivan has followed a similar development path as many of his colleagues. From the initial position of a developer, in which […]
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We are among TOP 100 IT Croatian exporting companies

Our headquarter is in Zagreb, Croatia but most of our clients are in Western Europe. We are developing complex enterprise applications, using the Team Extension model. How we are doing The Team Extension model means that our development team has expertise in several industrial verticals. We offer our partners a complete software consultancy service. Our […]
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